The most important information you need to know about Birsch Construct Ltd.
Birsch Construct Ltd. currently employs 50 well-trained professionals who are at the service of our clients. In addition, our office staff assists in project preparation, management, and administration.
Our motto: Every difficulty is an opportunity.
Our team has been proving their expertise in domestic power plants and other industrial facilities for many years. Thanks to our comprehensive knowledge and years of professional experience, not only existing clients but also new clients continuously approach us with tasks for which it is difficult to find a specialized company. Thanks to our advanced problem-solving abilities, there has not been a challenge that we have not successfully completed – flawlessly and on time.
Our philosophy is that we have no philosophy. We adapt to the needs of our clients, creatively and flexibly handling emerging issues, and tailor our solution strategies to the specific circumstances.
No matter how unique or common the task may be, there are things we do not compromise on: deadlines, quality, and cost-effectiveness. Adherence to and enforcement of these principles are essential for sustainable industry. That’s how we work day in and day out.
We prioritize the well-being of our employees, both in terms of financial aspects and occupational health. We provide fair wages and place special emphasis on compliance with all health and safety standards and regulations. Additionally, we consider vocational training to be of great importance!
We work closely with local vocational schools and provide training for our welders and metalworkers ourselves. We believe in the Hungarian people and that with care and professionalism, this team can achieve anything.